Course Outline

Below are a list of the units we will be covering in class this year.  These are the overall curriculum expectations which summarize the material we will be learning, for more detailed explanations please check each unit page once we begin the units

Habitats and Communities:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of habitat and community, and identify the

    factors that could affect habitats and communities of plants and animals;

  • investigate the dependency of plants and animals on their habitat and the interrelationships

    of the plants and animals living in a specific habitat;

  • describe ways in which humans can change habitats and the effects of these changes on the

    plants and animals within the habitats.

 Light and Sound:

  • demonstrate understanding that certain materials can transmit, reflect, or absorb light

    or sound;

    • investigate materials that transmit, reflect, or absorb light or sound and use their findings in

    designing objects and choosing materials from which to construct them;

    • explain why materials that transmit, reflect, or absorb light and/or sound are used in a

    variety of consumer products.

 Pulleys and Gears:

  • evaluate the impact of pulleys and gears on society and the environment
  • investigate ways in which pulleys and gears modify the speed and direction of, and the force exerted on, moving objects
  • demonstrate and understanding of the basic principles and functions of pulley systems and gear systems

Rocks and Minerals:

  • assess the social and environmental impacts of human uses of rocks and minerals
  • investigate, test, and compare the physical properties of rocks and minerals
  • demonstrate an understanding of the physical properties of rocks and minerals